At Chailey St Peter's our Christian vision shapes all we do. We believe that, '' Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength and soar on wings like eagles.'' (Isaiah 40:31) Learning and caring for each other are priorities. Our school values are at the heart of all that we do ensuring that when pupils leave us they have a strong moral purpose that will guide them through the next stage of their education. Our vision, therefore, is to nurture imagination and enrich the spirit whilst giving everyone, no matter what their starting point, with knowledge, skills, opportunities and encouragement, so that Together we give our children roots to grow and wings to fly.
Chailey St Peter's Church of England Primary School is a happy school with friendly children and staff. We have a warm vibrant atmosphere, where learning and caring for each other are priorities.
We aim to nurture well-rounded, confident, happy children by providing an environment to stimulate young minds academically, physically, socially, spiritually and creatively. These values are shared by us all, whether we are Christians or not, and are taught through our Collective worship and assembly programme.
How OUR vision drives all our actions
Our Seven Christian Values:
Forgiveness, Love, Friendship, Perseverance, Curiosity, Respect and Courage.
Term 1 Value Courage
term 1 courage home school value sheet.pdf
Term 2 Value respect
office term 3 home school value perseverance.pdf
Term 4 Value Forgiveness
term 4 value forgiveness home school learning.pdf
Term 5
homeschoolvalues friendship.pdf
Term 6