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Special Educational Needs

 All pupils are valued members of our school and are offered equal opportunities. We aim to recognise the strengths of all pupils and build on these to nurture respect and esteem for oneself and each other in all areas of the curriculum. We have expectations for all pupils to do their best to achieve their full potential. 

To support those pupils who have additional needs which are different to, or in addition to, the needs of others we provide an individual programme of support. This may include referral to outside agencies such as the ‘Speech and Language Department’, the educational psychologist or the Team around the school and setting (TASS). In school we use a variety of interventions to support reading and spelling, Dragon Hunters to support writing skills, Better Reading Partners for reading and THRIVE for social and emotional needs. Other interventions may be used as appropriate.

We work closely with parents to ensure that each child receives the support they need in order to do their best. Mrs Sue Minter is the Inclusion Lead (SENCO) and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please contact her via her email sminter@bluebellfederation.co.uk.   The documents below give more details about our SEND provision: 

send information report 2024 2025.pdf


Special Needs and Disabilities information for families in East Sussex can be found via the following link: https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/childrenandfamilies/specialneeds/

 Link for local offer

 i-go is a register and FREE leisure discount card for 0-25s with additional needs in East Sussex.

The i-go card gives you offers and discounts for over 100 venues and activities, including free taster sessions, discounts, and free entry for carers.

i-go also provides information about accessibility for each i-go venue to help you plan a visit. This includes details about features like toileting, wheelchair access and sensory information. You can find details about SEND sessions offered by i-go leisure partners on the i-go website igo.eastsussex.gov.uk


SEND Regulations 2014


Information and help for Parents:

Resources for Parents on Anxiety

Resources for parents - SEN