Chair of Governors – Mrs Jenny Barnard-Langston
Contact Address: Chailey St Peter's CE Primary School, East Grinstead Road, North Chailey, BN8 4DB.
The clerk, Ms Katherine Lines can be contacted via email:
You will find all information regarding Bluebell Federation Governance on the
Bluebell Federation Governing Board
Jenny Barnard-Langston (Chair)
David Summers (Vice Chair)
Dominie Wood (Vice Chair/Parent Governor)
Roger Vogt (Co-opted Governor)
Mandy Watson (Co-opted Governor)
Sarah Levien (Co-opted Governor)
Ina Barnes (Co-opted Governor)
Maria Potter (Staff Governor)
David Woollven (Parent Governor)
Andrew Neil (Parent Governor)
Brenda Ford (Foundation Governor)
Jamie Gator (Ex-Officio Priest in Charge)
Gemma White (Ex-Officio,Executive Headteacher)
Associate Members:
Petrina Ferris, Deputy Executive Headteacher, Bluebell Federation of Schools
bluebell federation governors 2022 2023.pdf
declaration of interest gb 2024 25 1 .pdf